Pierre André Dumont with Tonino Lamborghini at the Florence 2010 event
Let’s start by talking about you, where are you from, your roots, what values were you sent?
I come from a background in Lyon on the one hand, some of my ancestors are from a landed aristocracy and Switzerland on the other hand, who gave me respect for the culture, principles of Honesty, the value of Work, Passion for Excellence.
Indeed, in Lyon, the French capital of Gastronomy and the Art of Living, the title is not everything. My grandfather was a renowned restaurant.
My education taught me that luxury is an issue as History, Fun and Know-How.
What led you to create VIP Services?
Precisely the realization that to be a VIP, we must share these values and keep.
We can not be established or consolidating VIP VIP just out of interest, we must be aware that between us, a charter implied quality, excellence and efficiency binds us.
The Luxe is primarily a question of passion, to safeguard our expertise and our stories.
Take, for example, Gilbert Albert, who is one of our historic partners.
This artist produces works of art in jewelry design as both the science and alchemy which he plays to turn a raw material and a product of nature as a true unique treasure.
At VIP Services, our partner have at heart to offer this same service and same abilities exception.
This is how the creation of VIP Services was very important to me, even essential, and we continue in this same spirit.
This is not a directory of luxury, VIP Services is a reference, a guild that promotes values and that includes those who defend them through a Charter of Quality.
And what better place than Geneva, International Luxury City to house the cradle of VIP Services?
What values do you defend through VIP Services?
Those just mentioned: Efficiency, Excellence, Quality and thus guaranteed to find what is best in terms of prestige and know-how in the High Range. apply what we want to be and to live up to what is being said, these are our partners, enthusiasts.
As a representative of a certain image of excellence, what do you expect your partners?
What I just told you exactly word for word and I would add:
They all have the same spirit and values, both in the cultural field, Hotels, Technology, Crafts, Art, Economics, Medicine or Services etc. ..
What does being a VIP today?
It is true that this term has been much overused.
Originally VIP: Very Important Personnality stressed the Exceptional Service for Exceptional People.
We want to put that term in its original purity, it’s as simple as that. Our visitors are guests of all brands, and our Silver members are even more.
Exactly, you have created an area in Silver VIP Services, would you tell us more?
We offer the ability to access, through the Silver Card, to offer even greater than those of VIP guide service.
As a member, you have the privilege of getting to the heart of the VIP Network.
All our partners are also members.
The list is too long to list all the benefits of the VIP area.
These range from Brand Events Announced for exclusive private sales, up an outstanding service at airports, in light of being considered that you are either: of Very Important Personalities, which should be the case for all customers in the commercial world of luxury and business.
What makes this area of VIP Services is different from other spaces Card that can be found on the Net for the same subjects?
We do not offer a loyalty card Deluxe, or a subscription to a one-time special events, a simple listing by mail.
Our exceptional services are real and we want to continually enhance our offerings.
Silver Zone is truly the essence of Premium VIP, she defends a certain spirit, a commitment to the exclusivity of all services and pleasures associated with true luxury and a certain environment.
So you mean that a member of the Silver Zone VIP Services adheres to a private club at the same time as the Yacht Club and the Century, the Lyon’s Club or the Rotary Club?
That is what motivates us, we have implemented a Charter and Guild to defend this state of mind that should reclaim and defend.
It may well be a member of these clubs, private business club, and Society and also adhere to the Silver Zone is what happens more often than elsewhere.
Any member of the Silver Zone thus adheres to a certain spirit, certain values and privileges?
Exactly, you’ve summed up my thoughts.
Let’s talk a little more of you, finally, what are your other passions in life?
I am an avid automobile and aviation, an amateur who constantly discovering the beauty and accuracy of all the equipment, not to mention speed and performance.
Besides, I had a young taken steps to be a fighter pilot but the life I chose a different fate, and I always keep a penchant for this domain.
I also have in me a passion for food, given my background and my roots. For me, this is obvious and a pleasure to defend this art and promote it.
What do you like the different cultural expressions which are found in gasoline VIP Services?
If you go to a 5 star in our guild, in one of our Limousine companies to enjoy all our services as a member, going from one of our suppliers to find the item of exception is also through a certain culture, a genuine épicurianisme.
It is therefore important to promote all cultural expressions of value, and I want as a lover of art, whatever.
Do you have a favorite author? A painter? A musician? What sport do you practice?
I particularly like the French period of the seventeenth and eighteenth, I have no favorite author: La Fontaine, Racine, Pascal, Diderot and other references are to me.
Like the French Impressionists: Monet, Manet, Degas, etc. …
I have a special affection for the opera and Pavarotti in particular, I myself have experience in the field of classical dance.
But I also like Phil Collins, Supertramp and also the New Orleans style jazz, as well as Ray Charles, Soul, there are so many …
For sports, in addition to ballet, I’m a fan of martial arts and Shaolin philosophy, I also studied as an amateur.
Regardless, you adhere to the principle “Men sana in corpora sane”, “the self-made man”, or rather the concept of “modern gentleman”?
I think we can not separate the desire and willingness to cultivate body and mind, a certain education and this called for by the Anglo-Saxon “The way of life”.
The desire to undertake and excel are not without certain rules of conduct.
I think everything is being done all at the same time.
By way of conclusions, we can say that your energy, your values and personality have created VIP Services, which boasts a visibility and a large attendance on the Net, do you have other projects and others want to explore all facets of your creativity?
We are continually evolving to offer the best to all our members, the launch of this blog is proof of the trend is still continuing to make VIP Services Guide excellence, enrich our range of possibilities.
Of course we have other projects but it would be too long to explain here and we shall have leisure to talk about that later.
It is safe in any case that life is not enough to implement all the projects we are considering, because it’s not what we can do for you is important, but what we do for you, that is what I want to tell all our partners, members and visitors, in conclusion.
Pierre-André Dumont, thank you very much for giving us this time to launch this blog VIP, it was a very pleasant conversation and a nice gift for VIP Services Blog …
Interviewed by Miss VIP