2010 ended with fireworks in the whole world, our media circling the festivities, the record is done.
We needed to VIP‘s Blog outlines the prospects for 2011.
It emerged during the past year, as companies and quality brands, conveying know-how, a history and a tradition of excellence, is pretty well worn.

In the field of luxury include the Swiss watch brands, that we had seen in a previous section, theRichemont Group is one example.
So much so that our neighbors Franche-Comte recorded a growth of their production structures and hospitality seating company in this area until the revival of “Service chronometer certification from the National Observatory of Besancon, the only French body empowered to judge the stability of a clock in the measurement of time.
The Observatory, which depends on the University of Franche-Comté and CNRS, has suspended its certification in 1970. Faced with repeated requests from Swiss watchmakers, who seek to stand out from the COSC (Swiss Official Chronometer Control), he recently decided to resume, said Francois Meyer, director of clotting. “In the Nouvel Observateur.
Leroy watches in full revival, illustrate this trend.
The use, moreover, Swiss firms high-end, this pool technology and industry, as Philip Patek, Breitlingand Audémart Piguet, is indicative of the continued expansion of exceptional watchmaking.
It‘s not just a sector that is doing rather well: we can also mention French perfumes and cosmetics, provided that their image and identity to be the bearer of values: we also observe here a clear trend to a return to very classic lines, like Chanel Number 5 for example.
We also see the impact of this trend toward increasing interest is the group Clarins is continuing to develop its spa, as we noted in a previous article, too.

ici.Moreover, it is also to emphasize that everything about the auctions of quality parts, whether in art, the High Jewellery and Watches, see our previous articles on Homes Sotheby‘s and Christie‘s, is doing rather Well, to show that record sales have been made this year. This good health is also recognized by most private homes as house Tajan, who also enjoys a very good reputation as Geoffroy Ader, who works at Sotheby‘s Geneva, made his arms before coming at Tajan exercise his talents here.

.There is always also, through this area and in others a very good dynamic services and luxury brands, reflecting new customers demanding and passionate, looking for all the upscale cultural expression our know-how from Europe or, among others, Chinese and South Americans.

It is also noted that the traditional demand of these industries has not waned either, is also the witnessstill of interest to motor vehicles except that express the amateurs from the Middle East.
Moreover, in this regard, the fact that cultural monuments such as location of the Louvre in Dubai and collaboration that results, is significant of the global premium-quality firms that we live in now, which contrasts with what we experienced in the past.

This new life is also reflected in the installation and anchoring of exceptional brands in Asia, confirming the new luxury markets such as China (see our previous articles) but also Singapore, I want to sign resorts and high-end that have hosted recent example, Montblanc.

Republic of Togo
We can also expect in the coming years a more harmonious future development of the African continent, which, despite appearances, shows very encouraging signs.

Leman Festival Lake 2010 Geneva
It can be concluded on good omens in 2011, provided that we produce the High Quality, carries acertain lifestyle and values, as VIP Services we continue to defend and which continues to Geneva amajor focus.
We therefore wish you, readers, partners and VIP members an excellent year 2011!

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